Show it! Group presentation - Light - Year 6

Year 6
Show it! Group presentation - Light - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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As part of their exploration into the topic of Light in Year 6, students are encouraged to delve into how our eyes function to enable us to see the world around us. Towards the culmination of their studies, the opportunity arises for them to showcase their newfound knowledge in a group presentation format. This interactive and engaging method of sharing their learning journey allows students to reinforce their understanding while also developing their communication and teamwork skills.

In preparation for the presentation, children are organised into groups, with each group comprising no more than six members. These teams are then tasked with creating a presentation on one specific aspect of the topic, such as the formation of shadows, the principle of light travelling in straight lines, the anatomy and function of our eyes, the use of concave and convex mirrors, or the various sources of light. By engaging in this collaborative project, students not only consolidate their learning but also gain the invaluable experience of speaking in front of their peers, thus enhancing their confidence and public speaking abilities.