What are the names of the seen parts of the human body? - Teacher's notes

Year 1
What are the names of the seen parts of the human body? - Teacher's notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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During a lesson on human anatomy, children are encouraged to explore and identify the visible parts of the human body. Initially, they are directed to watch an educational video that provides foundational knowledge on the topic. After watching the clip, the children pair up and engage in an interactive activity where they identify and touch various body parts on their partner as instructed by the teacher. This activity utilises a knowledge mat as a reference to ensure all the relevant body parts are covered.

As the lesson progresses, pairs of students are challenged to expand their vocabulary by thinking of and sharing the names of three additional body parts not included on the knowledge mat. They then use a provided worksheet to label body parts, reinforcing their learning. The lesson concludes with a game where children work with their partners to accurately place 18 body parts on an outline of a human body. To successfully complete the game, they must also come up with two more body parts to add to the outline. Through these activities, students not only learn the names of visible body parts but also engage with the concept of the five senses associated with the human body.