What are the names of the seen parts of the human body? - Presentation

Year 1
What are the names of the seen parts of the human body? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

A presentation by Focus Education introduces students to the visible parts of the human body and the five senses. The learning module encourages children to actively engage with the topic by first watching an online clip that provides foundational knowledge. Following this, the children participate in an interactive activity where they work in pairs, touching and naming different body parts as directed by the teacher. This hands-on approach helps reinforce their understanding of the body parts mentioned on a knowledge mat provided for the session.

The lesson continues with a challenge where each pair of students is tasked with recalling and sharing the names of three additional body parts. To further aid learning, a worksheet is used to label various body parts. The session culminates in a game where children, still in pairs, aim to accurately place 18 body part cards on a body outline, and then extend their learning by identifying two more body parts. This engaging activity not only solidifies their knowledge of the body parts but also encourages them to think critically and recall information from the lesson.