Know it! - teacher's notes

Science Resource Description
Climate change is a critical subject that is being addressed through educational activities for Year 6 pupils. Teachers are provided with a series of tasks to help students understand the significance of this issue. One such activity involves an individual task where pupils are asked to list the impacts of global warming, using key words or phrases instead of full sentences. This exercise encourages students to think about the various consequences of global warming, and they are awarded points for each correct entry they can recall within a 15-minute timeframe. Spelling is not the focus of this task, allowing students to concentrate on the retrieval of information.
Another task targets the relationship between industry and global warming. Pupils individually list the impacts that industrial activities have on global warming, again using keywords for efficiency and focus on content rather than spelling. This task is complemented by an exercise where students name greenhouse gases, further solidifying their understanding of the factors contributing to climate change. Additionally, pupils are prompted to give reasons why climate change is happening and to consider the importance of industrial areas and ports to society. The "Cops and robbers" activity promotes collaborative learning, as students share their knowledge about climate change with peers, earning points for each new piece of information they acquire from the group discussion. These activities are designed to deepen students' understanding of climate change and its global implications.