Link it! Prior knowledge - Evolution and Inheritance - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - Evolution and Inheritance - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education
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Building upon the foundation of evolution and inheritance, Year 6 students are encouraged to delve into their prior knowledge before exploring the unit further. They are expected to recognise that offspring generally resemble their parents and that there are often visible similarities between them. Additionally, students should be aware that species have evolved over time, adapting to their environments to survive and thrive. This understanding forms the basis for deeper inquiry into the mechanisms of inheritance and the processes that drive evolutionary change.

To facilitate a comprehensive learning experience, students are prompted to document their existing understanding in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This reflective exercise not only helps consolidate their current awareness but also serves as a springboard for connecting concepts within biology. The 'LINK IT!' activity encourages students to draw parallels between the subject at hand and other areas of study, as well as relate the scientific principles to their personal experiences. By examining how living organisms have transformed over time, students gain a more nuanced appreciation of the natural world and the dynamic processes that shape life on Earth.