Link it! Prior knowledge - Space - Year 5

Science Resource Description
As educators prepare to delve into the subject of space with Year 5 students, it's essential to consider what the children already know. From previous years, they have been introduced to the names of various planets, such as Mars, and have explored the concepts of light and darkness in Year 3. Their understanding also includes knowledge that the Moon appears to change shape in the night sky and that the Sun is the primary source of light for our planet. Additionally, it's not uncommon for some students to have an interest in science fiction, which may provide them with imaginative insights into space and celestial bodies.
To effectively build on this foundation, teachers are encouraged to engage students in discussions about their existing knowledge. By recording what they already understand in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, students can reflect on and share their insights. This exercise helps to create connections within the subject of space, draw parallels with other subjects, and relate personal experiences to the topic at hand. By focusing on this prior knowledge, the lesson aims to provide a comprehensive and contextual learning journey about the Sun, Earth, Moon, and the planets, making the content more relatable and easier to grasp for the young learners.