Exercise, Drugs and Lifestyle - Self Assessment

Year 6
Exercise, Drugs and Lifestyle - Self Assessment
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This self-assessment tool is designed to encourage students to reflect on their understanding of various health-related concepts. The assessment asks if students can describe the effects of exercise on the body, highlighting the importance of recognizing how physical activity can influence physical wellbeing and fitness. It prompts learners to think about the physiological changes that occur during and after exercise, such as improved cardiovascular health, stronger muscles, and increased endurance.

Additionally, the self-assessment requires students to differentiate between drugs and medicines, an essential distinction in understanding substances that can affect the body. A drug can refer to any chemical compound that has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body, while a medicine is specifically intended for the treatment or prevention of disease. The assessment also challenges students to analyse and comment on individual lifestyles, which involves considering how various habits and choices, such as diet, exercise, and substance use, contribute to overall health. Through this process, the teacher aims to foster critical thinking about personal health and lifestyle decisions.