Diet - Self Assessment

Science Resource Description
The self-assessment tool focuses on three key areas of nutritional understanding. The first question prompts individuals to reflect on whether they can explain the effects of overeating on the body, which may include discussions on weight gain, increased risk of health conditions, and the impact on physical and mental well-being. It is crucial for individuals to recognise the potential negative outcomes associated with consuming more calories than the body requires for its daily functions.
The second question asks if individuals can identify which food groups should not constitute a significant portion of their diet. This typically refers to foods high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and excess sodium, which can contribute to health issues when consumed in large amounts. The third question encourages individuals to list the food groups necessary for maintaining health, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy, which provide essential nutrients. The assessment is designed to encourage a deeper understanding of balanced eating habits and the importance of moderation and variety in one's diet.