Diet - Presentation

Science Resource Description
The educational presentation on diet, aimed at students studying biology with a focus on animals and humans, poses thought-provoking questions about the impact of overeating and the importance of balanced nutrition. It begins by asking students if they can explain the effects of overeating on the body, identify food groups that should be minimised in their diet, and list the necessary food groups for maintaining good health. The session includes an engaging activity where students watch a segment from the documentary "Supersize Me", where Morgan Spurlock embarks on a month-long challenge of eating only McDonald's meals without exercising. Students are prompted to consider Morgan's health before and after the experiment, the effects of the food on his body, and what steps could be taken to restore his health.
The presentation further explores the concept of a balanced diet by comparing unhealthy and healthy meals. Students are encouraged to use cards to create examples of both, highlighting the differences. They learn that a balanced meal should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and starchy foods, with only a small amount of oils and fatty foods, and that sugary or fatty foods should be occasional treats. The lesson also delves into the calorie content of snacks, such as crisps, and the role of sugar in diet through experiments that demonstrate how yeast produces gas when 'fed' sugar, mirroring the process in the human gut. The students are tasked to create a poster titled 'Sugar in Foods' using actual wrappers and cans, to identify which foods have the highest sugar content and discuss the potential health consequences of excessive sugar consumption. The session concludes by revisiting the key questions on the effects of overeating and the importance of a well-rounded diet, ensuring the students have a comprehensive understanding of these crucial topics.