Burning - Self Assessment

Year 5
Burning - Self Assessment
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The self-assessment exercise is designed to evaluate a student's understanding of the combustion process, chemical changes, and the signs of chemical reactions. It begins by asking if the student can identify the three essential components required to produce fire. These are commonly known as the fire triangle elements, which include fuel, heat, and oxygen. The next question probes the student's knowledge of the new substances that are formed as a result of a fire, which typically involves combustion products like carbon dioxide and water.

Moreover, the assessment checks if the student comprehends the concept of irreversible change, which is a fundamental characteristic of chemical reactions, such as the burning of a substance where the original material cannot be recovered. The student is also asked to name signs that indicate a chemical reaction has taken place, which could include changes like emission of light, heat, formation of a gas, or a color change. The repetitive structure of the assessment implies a thorough review of the student's grasp of each concept, with the teacher providing feedback on their progress and understanding of these scientific principles.