Burning - Results Tables

Year 5
Burning - Results Tables
AI generated

The experiment investigates the impact of oxygen availability on combustion duration and the changes in mass during burning processes. The first part of the experiment explores whether the amount of oxygen affects the burning duration of a flame. To assess this, three different sizes of glass containers are used to cover the flames, and the time each flame burns before extinguishing is recorded in seconds. Observations are also noted to provide qualitative data on the burning process under varied oxygen levels.

In the second part, the experiment aims to determine the changes in mass of a candle over time as it burns. The mass of the candle is measured at one-minute intervals, starting from 0 minutes up to 8 minutes, to observe the rate at which the candle loses mass due to burning. The third section of the experiment focuses on the combustion of iron wool. Multiple attempts are made to record the starting and ending mass of iron wool before and after it burns, with observations noted to capture any notable changes or reactions during the combustion process. This comprehensive approach allows for a thorough investigation into the effects of oxygen on fire and the physical changes substances undergo during burning.