Gravity - Lesson Plan

Science Resource Description
The lesson plan from The Primary Science Advisory Service Ltd delves into the concept of gravity, aiming to elucidate its principles and effects. Students are tasked with a range of scientific skills, such as planning investigations, presenting and analysing data, and evaluating their findings. The curriculum aligns with the National Curriculum, focusing on the force of gravity and its interaction with falling objects. Pupils will explore how gravity is an attractive force pulling objects towards the Earth's centre, and they will learn to calculate weight using the gravitational constant. The lesson builds on previous knowledge from earlier stages, where pupils may already understand that gravity causes objects to fall, and extends into Year 3 topics about forces acting at a distance, like magnetism.
The lesson includes practical activities, such as the 'Gravity Defying Water' experiment, where pupils observe the effects of gravity and air pressure on water held in an inverted glass. Another activity investigates the common misconception that heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones, using various objects and balls to demonstrate that all objects fall at the same rate when air resistance is not a factor. Pupils will also explore the relationship between mass and weight, understanding that weight is the effect of gravity on mass and is measured in Newtons. The lesson involves cross-curricular links with history, ICT, and maths, and addresses health and safety considerations. Students will also learn about influential scientists like Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein, who have contributed to our understanding of gravity.