
Year 5
Gravity - Presentation
Gravity - Lesson Plan
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Gravity - Presentation
Resource 1/6
Gravity - Presentation

The lesson aims to explain how unsupported objects fall towards the Earth due to the force of gravity. The students will be asked questions such as:

  • Can I describe gravity as a pull, or attractive force?
  • Can I explain that gravity pulls objects towards the centre of the Earth, and if they are in the air, it would make objects fall?
  • Can I calculate weight?

The lesson also includes cross-curricular links to history, ICT, and math. In history, students will have the opportunity to find out why the leaning tower of Pisa was important in the study of gravity. In ICT, students will research the gravitational constants of various celestial bodies, and in math, students will perform unit conversions and calculations, and produce graphs of their experimental results.

Misconceptions that will be addressed in this lesson:

  • Heavier objects fall more quickly
  • Objects are attracted to the ground
  • There is no gravity in space
  • Gravity is the same everywhere in the universe


  • Gravity
  • Descend
  • Newton
  • Air-Resistance
  • Mass
  • Weight

Influential scientists that will be mentioned in the lesson include:

  • Aristotle
  • Galileo Galilei
  • Isaac Newton
  • Albert Einstein