Animals including Humans - Vocab Assessment

Year 2
Animals including Humans - Vocab Assessment
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The vocabulary assessment is designed to evaluate a student's understanding of key terms related to the topic 'Animals including Humans'. It comprises a list of words that are fundamental to grasping the concepts of biology and health education. The words include terms associated with life stages and development such as 'offspring', 'reproduction', 'growth', 'child', and 'young'. Additionally, it covers aspects of ageing with the word 'old', and elements of a healthy lifestyle like 'exercise', 'heartbeat', 'breathing', and 'hygiene'.

The assessment also encompasses words related to illness and prevention such as 'germs' and 'disease', and extends into nutrition with terms like 'meat', 'fish', 'vegetables', 'bread', 'rice', 'pasta', and 'balance'. Finally, it touches on family structures with the word 'parent'. Students are asked to self-evaluate their familiarity with each term by indicating whether they don't know the word, know what it means, or can use it in a sentence. This methodical approach not only checks vocabulary recognition but also the ability to apply these terms contextually, reflecting a deeper understanding of the subject matter.