Animals including Humans - Keywords

Year 2
Animals including Humans - Keywords

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The term 'offspring' refers to the young born or hatched from their parents in the animal kingdom, as well as the seedlings or young plants produced by flora. For example, wolves typically have litters consisting of around five offspring. In biology, 'reproduction' is the biological process by which new individual organisms are produced. This process often involves a pair of parents, as seen in the animal kingdom where male buffalos might engage in fierce competition for the right to mate and reproduce.

An 'adolescent' is an individual transitioning from childhood to adulthood, a phase marked by significant physical, emotional, and social changes. This term is applicable to both human teenagers, who may exhibit mood swings, and young animals. The 'caterpillar' stage is a specific part of the life cycle of butterflies and moths, where the larva consumes a vast amount of food before transforming into its adult form. 'Hygiene' encompasses the various practices we undertake to maintain health, particularly through cleanliness, such as the rigorous hand-washing protocols followed by healthcare professionals. 'Germs' are microscopic organisms, including bacteria and viruses, which can be harmful to health and are often spread through unsanitary habits like not covering one's mouth when sneezing.

'Protein' is a vital nutrient necessary for growth and repair in the body, found in foods like meat, fish, lentils, and beans, and essential for building strength. 'Carbohydrate' is another nutrient category, encompassing sugars and starches found in a variety of foods including cereals, rice, and fruits, with certain types like sugars potentially leading to dental issues and weight gain if consumed in excess. 'Fat' is a nutrient found in foods such as oils and dairy products, and despite common misconceptions, it is an important part of a healthy diet. 'Nutrient' is a broad term for the chemicals that living organisms need to sustain life, grow, and maintain good health, with green vegetables being a prime source.

The 'life cycle' describes the sequence of stages an organism passes through from birth to death, with each stage being unique and sometimes unrecognizable from the final adult form, as seen in the metamorphosis of butterflies. 'Life stage' refers to a specific period within this cycle, such as the lengthy adolescent phase in humans, highlighting the diversity and complexity of growth and development in living organisms.