Animals including Humans - Assessment

Year 2
Animals including Humans - Assessment
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This Year Two Summative Assessment focuses on the topic of Animals including Humans, a key part of the science curriculum. The assessment is structured to test various aspects of the students' understanding through a series of questions. The first task requires students to match different animals with their reproductive types, distinguishing between those that lay eggs and those that give birth. Following this, the children are asked to identify which animals do not care for their young, encouraging them to think about animal behaviour.

The assessment continues with the students linking the life cycles of each animal, helping them to understand the stages of development in different species. They then move on to human biology, where they are asked to write the order of human life stages. This not only tests their knowledge of the sequence but also their understanding of human development. In another question, children must identify actions that toddlers typically start to perform, which shows their grasp of early human abilities. The assessment also includes a practical section where students must discern between essential items for human survival and those that are merely desirable, such as food versus mobile phones. Additionally, they are asked to recognise items and habits that should be moderated, like food intake or hygiene practices, and to describe specific times when handwashing is necessary. This comprehensive assessment covers a broad range of learning objectives within the theme of Animals including Humans.