The Human Body and Taste - Presentation

Year 1
The Human Body and Taste - Presentation
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The presentation on 'The Human Body and Taste' delves into the fascinating world of biology, particularly focusing on the senses in humans. Students are encouraged to explore and understand the human body by producing a labelled drawing, identifying body parts associated with each sense, and recognising factors that influence the sense of taste. The session begins with thought-provoking questions, such as the ability to label the human body and to pinpoint which body parts are linked to the senses, setting the stage for an interactive learning experience.

Through a series of activities, including watching an educational video on the five senses, students are tasked with answering questions that connect senses to functions, such as which senses are related to food, how sound travels within the body, and what enables us to detect light. They draw and label body parts like arms, legs, and facial features, and then associate these with the corresponding senses. The discussion extends to the advantages of having two ears and eyes, enhancing understanding of depth perception and sound directionality. Additionally, students experiment with taste buds, using a hand lens to count them and discuss the variation in taste sensitivity among classmates. Experiments with blindfolds and nose pegs reveal the impact of smell on taste, while a yoghurt tasting activity demonstrates how sight influences our perception of flavour. The session concludes with a review of the five senses, their associated body parts, and the senses that specifically affect taste, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the human body and its sensory experiences.