Thermal and Electrical Conductivity - Lesson Plan

Year 5
Thermal and Electrical Conductivity - Lesson Plan

Science Resource Description

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The lesson plan from The Primary Science Advisory Service Ltd focuses on the properties of materials, specifically their thermal and electrical conductivity, and is designed for Year 5 students. The plan includes a range of science skills such as planning investigations, presenting and analysing data, and evaluating investigations. Pupils will compare and group materials based on their conductivity, and understand how these properties affect their use in everyday life. They will build upon their previous knowledge from earlier years, where they learnt about different materials and their properties, including how some materials can be changed by physical manipulation and how to identify common conductors and insulators.

During the lesson, students will engage in hands-on activities to explore thermal and electrical conductivity. They will test various materials, including metals and non-metals, to observe how quickly they conduct heat and electricity. The experiments will involve melting ice on different materials to determine thermal conductivity, and constructing simple circuits to identify electrical conductors and insulators. The lesson aims to correct common misconceptions, such as the belief that all metals are good conductors of heat or that all non-metals are insulators. Through these activities, students will learn that while many metals are good conductors, there are exceptions, and that some non-metals, like graphite, can conduct electricity. The lesson also provides opportunities for cross-curricular links with history, design technology, and maths, and emphasises the importance of health and safety during experiments.