Thermal and Electrical Conductivity - Objectives Labels

Year 5
Thermal and Electrical Conductivity - Objectives Labels
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In Lesson 5.13, focusing on Thermal and Electrical Conductivity, the objective is to explore and categorise a variety of common materials according to their distinct characteristics. These include their level of hardness, whether they are soluble, their degree of transparency, and notably, their ability to conduct heat and electricity. Additionally, students will examine how these materials interact with magnets. This comprehensive approach to material properties will help students understand the practical and scientific significance of each characteristic in everyday contexts.

The lesson's success will be measured by the students' ability to answer key questions, demonstrating their grasp of the concepts taught. They will be asked to accurately define what conductors and insulators are, and to identify which materials are superior when it comes to conducting heat and electricity. Through this enquiry, students will deepen their understanding of material science and its applications, equipping them with the knowledge to make informed observations about the world around them.