Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 4

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 6
Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 4
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In Year 6 Gymnastics lesson 4, the primary learning objective is for pupils to master the cartwheel. To achieve this, students must meet several success criteria: pointing their lead foot and hand, planting the other foot and hand to push off, performing a straddle shape in flight, and landing safely. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as "weight on hands," "lead and non-lead," "plant," "start position," and "star shape." Essential equipment for the lesson includes a class set of cones and safety or gymnastic mats. The warm-up consists of a 10-minute session where the class teacher sets out a safe zone with perimeter cones, and pupils are split into pairs to engage in various physical activities, including turning, spinning, squatting, jumping, and practicing balance with a partner, all while discussing the shapes they can make in flight.

The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, begins with a recap of the handstand technique from the previous lesson, with partners providing support. Pupils practice the cartwheel by starting in an entrance position, leaning forward into an arabesque shape or T position, rotating hands sideways, and pushing off from the lead leg to perform a straddle shape in flight, and landing on the non-lead leg. They repeat this several times, alternating with their partner. The lesson encourages pupils to explore these techniques, providing support where needed, and challenges them to incorporate a handstand and cartwheel into a performance with an entrance and exit. Pupil talk focuses on what they did well and how they can improve, linking back to the key vocabulary and steps to success. The cool-down involves a 10-minute game of "Rat and Rabbits" with partners, followed by a reflection period where pupils lie on their backs and consider their performance, their partner's performance, and how they could improve for next time, using the vocabulary learned.