Tag Rugby - Unit Overview

Physical Education Resource Description
The Year 5 Tag Rugby unit is a comprehensive programme designed to enhance pupils' skills in evading and tagging opponents, passing, receiving, and refining both attacking and defending strategies within a game context. The unit aims to build upon the foundational skills acquired in previous years, as well as general game-playing abilities. The overview suggests that students will be taught to develop tactics collaboratively and apply their learned skills during actual tag rugby games, fostering both individual prowess and team cooperation.
Each lesson within the unit has a clear learning objective and success criteria to measure pupil progress. For instance, the first lesson focuses on evading and tagging opponents, with success being gauged by the pupils' ability to run and change direction at speed. Subsequent lessons progress to passing and receiving passes at speed, both in isolation and within game situations, with an emphasis on communication and providing visual targets for the passer. As the unit advances, pupils work on refining their tactical decision-making and applying their skills in a full game of tag rugby, where they consolidate their understanding of evasion, tagging, positioning, and teamwork.