Tag Rugby - Lesson 3

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 5
Tag Rugby - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the third lesson of a series for Year 5 students on tag rugby, the main learning objective is to enhance the pupils' ability to pass and receive a rugby ball swiftly and accurately within a game context. The success criteria for this lesson include the ability of the pupils to execute a pass and catch a rugby ball competently, to call out for a pass effectively, and to present their hands as a clear target for the passer. Key terms such as 'sprint', 'jog', 'pass', 'space', and 'movement' are introduced to enrich the students' vocabulary related to the sport. Essential equipment for the lesson comprises a class set of belts and tags, rugby balls, and cones, ensuring that each pupil has the necessary gear to participate fully in the activities.

The lesson is structured into three parts, beginning with a warm-up where pupils practice passing the ball to their peers on the outside of a rectangular area, with intermittent commands to 'sprint' or 'jog' to vary the pace. This exercise encourages pupils to keep their heads up, a vital skill in tag rugby for awareness of teammates and opponents. The main activity involves playing a full game of tag rugby, with the emphasis on passing and movement, and includes stopping the game to discuss best practices. The cool-down consists of a gentle jog around the pitch, promoting reflection on the challenges encountered during the full game. The lesson plan also suggests extensions and variations to cater to different skill levels and to focus on developing passing and movement within the game.

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