Tag Rugby - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
In the first lesson of a Year 5 tag rugby series, students are introduced to the essential skills of evading and tagging opponents. The session begins with a warm-up called 'Touch Down', where pupils are divided into two groups—one with rugby balls and one without. The group with balls sprints between cones placed randomly within a large rectangular area, while the other group jogs. Upon a signal, those with balls place them outside the area to score a try, and then the roles switch. This exercise emphasizes the importance of spatial awareness and keeping one's head up to avoid collisions. Key teaching points include the correct way to carry the ball, ensuring it is held securely in both hands with fingers wrapped around it for quick passing. To enhance the challenge, pupils are encouraged to throw with their weaker side and side-step through the gates.
The main activity, 'Run The Gauntlet', focuses on the core aspects of tag rugby: evading defenders and tagging the ball carrier. Pupils navigate through a series of squares, each with a defender who can only move once the attacker enters their square. The aim is to sprint through each square without being tagged, using evasion techniques such as changing direction and speed. When a tag is made, the defender calls out 'tag' and hands it back to the attacker, mimicking in-game rules. The session concludes with a cool-down where pupils jog and switch balls upon a whistle signal, reflecting on the tactics that were most effective for both attacking and defending during the game. This structured approach to learning tag rugby combines physical agility with strategic thinking, setting the foundation for future lessons.