Tag Rugby - Lesson 6

Physical Education Resource Description
Lesson 6 of the Year 5 Tag Rugby sequence is designed to consolidate and apply the skills learned in previous sessions through an engaging game of tag rugby. The learning objectives for this lesson are focused on the practical application of key rugby skills within a game setting. The success criteria for the pupils include demonstrating an understanding of evasion, tagging, passing, positioning, decision-making, tactical awareness, and communication on the pitch. Essential vocabulary terms such as sprint, jog, pass, space, movement, forward, backwards, attack, and defend are highlighted to ensure pupils are familiar with the language of the sport.
The lesson is structured to include a warm-up, main activity, and cool down. During the warm-up, pupils are divided into teams, assigned captains, and select a warm-up exercise from those covered in previous lessons, which include Touch Down, Pass The Ball, Travelling With The Ball, and Attack And Defence. The main part of the lesson involves running a class tournament, providing pupils with the opportunity to engage in a competitive environment and apply their rugby skills. Key teaching points are recapped, such as the rule against passing forwards. The lesson concludes with a cool down activity called Time Circle, where pupils practice passing and receiving in small groups to wind down from the tournament. Pupil Talk encourages reflection on team and individual areas for improvement, fostering a deeper understanding of the game and personal skill development.