Dance 2 - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
In the first lesson of the Year 5 Dance 2 series, students are introduced to the energetic world of Street Dance, aiming to master basic arm positions and movement actions. The lesson's objectives are for pupils to explore and link a series of movements with coordination, respond to the beat of music, and work collaboratively to create a short dance phrase. The success criteria ensure that students can repeat actions, coordinate movements, and select arm positions to craft their dance sequences. Key vocabulary such as 'phrase', 'sequence', 'stance', 'musicality', 'variation', and 'transition' are introduced, setting the stage for a dynamic learning experience.
The lesson kicks off with a 10-minute warm-up where the teacher sets out a dance zone and models different travelling steps, like skipping and marching, encouraging students to replicate these movements. This is followed by the 'Remote Control' activity, where students respond to various commands, simulating remote control functions like play, fast forward, rewind, pause, and stop. The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, delves into Street Dance, with the class teacher leading pupils through a series of basic moves such as the 'Shoulder Brush', 'Chest Pop', 'Arm Wave', and 'Heal-Toe Shuffle', all to the rhythm of an 8-count beat. Pupils then form groups to compose their own Street Dance sequences, incorporating the taught movements and their own creative ideas. The lesson concludes with performances, feedback, and a cool-down session that includes 'Remote Control' and stretching exercises to relax the muscles after the high-energy dance activities.