Dance 2 - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 5
Dance 2 - Lesson 6
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In Year 5 Dance 2's sixth lesson, pupils are encouraged to express themselves through the dynamic movements of Street Dance. The learning objectives are centered on performing choreographed routines both as a group and as a whole class. To succeed, students must demonstrate coordination in linking a range of dance actions, respond rhythmically to music, and work collaboratively to create a short dance sequence. They will utilise key dance vocabulary such as 'phrase', 'sequence', 'stance', 'musicality', and 'choreographed', among others, to describe their movements and patterns.

The lesson begins with a warm-up where the class teacher sets out the dance zone and models different travelling steps, offering pupils the chance to lead and mirror these movements. The main activity involves rehearsing and executing a choreographed Street Dance routine, focusing on group choreography and incorporating jumps or tricks. A performance is then recorded for pupils to observe and evaluate their own work, with the potential for an audience from other classes. The lesson concludes with a cool-down session involving stretching and breathing exercises on gymnastic mats, and a reflective discussion about the entire dance topic. This structured approach to dance education not only hones the pupils' physical skills but also boosts their confidence and teamwork abilities.