Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 5

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 4
Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 5

Physical Education Resource Description

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In Year 4 Gymnastics lesson 5, the objective is to teach students to perform a forward roll with appropriate entrances and exits. To achieve success, pupils must demonstrate the ability to support their body weight on their hands, roll with their chin tucked in, and consolidate various shapes and balances. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as 'rolling', 'weight', 'tuck shape', and 'balance'. The equipment required for this lesson includes safety gymnastics mats and cones to define the learning space. The lesson starts with a warm-up where pupils practice different movements like jogging, hopping, and skipping, while paying attention to the stop signal and learning to scan the space around them. The warm-up also includes a game of Blob Tag to encourage dodging and evading skills.

The main part of the lesson involves laying out safety mats and pairing up pupils to practice forward rolls, starting with a recap of the technique learned in Year 3. Key teaching points include maintaining a medium level tuck shape, looking through legs, and taking weight onto hands to push into the roll. Pupils work collaboratively with partners to practice the roll and explore various shapes and balances for entering and exiting the roll. They are encouraged to model and discuss their learning, with support provided for those finding it challenging. The lesson progresses to developing a short routine with their partner, incorporating transitions such as rolls and stands, and culminates in performances where pupils evaluate their own and others' routines. To cool down, pupils engage in team-based movement activities, followed by a reflective session lying on their backs, discussing what went well and areas for improvement.

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