Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 2

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 4
Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 2

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the second lesson of Gymnastics 2 for Year 4 pupils, the primary learning objectives are to perform a shoulder stand and a headstand safely, with the latter requiring support. The success criteria set for the students include the ability to support their own body weight, to perform the movements with their chin on their chest, and to maintain a stable position using three points of contact. The key vocabulary introduced in this lesson includes terms such as 'headstand', 'shoulder stand', 'support', 'tension', 'balance', 'balances', and 'tuck'. To ensure safety and facilitate the activities, the necessary equipment includes cones to mark out the safe zone and safety gymnastics mats.

The lesson is structured to begin with a 10-minute warm-up that involves setting out a safe zone with cones and engaging the pupils in activities such as jogging, hopping, skipping, and running, all while emphasising the importance of space awareness. After the warm-up, the main 30-minute session commences with pupils walking to their designated working areas and sitting on mats. The teacher models the steps to a successful headstand, starting from a tuck shape on the mat and progressing to a full extension with pointed toes. Pupils are encouraged to discuss the importance of keeping the head and neck still and supporting the head with hands. The lesson progresses with pupils performing with partners, developing routines that include prior learning, and culminating in a performance to the class. A 10-minute cool-down follows, featuring a game of 'Rats and Rabbits' and a reflective session where pupils lie on their backs and consider their achievements and areas for improvement, using the key vocabulary to describe their performance.

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