Dance 2 - Lesson 5

Physical Education
Physical Education
Year 2
Dance 2 - Lesson 5

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the Year 2 Dance 2 - Lesson 5 of the Striver Lesson Plans, the young learners are set to embark on a creative journey exploring the theme of 'Toy Transport'. The learning objectives for this lesson are to select and explore a variety of movements that are associated with toys that move, such as cars, trains, or boats. The success criteria for the students include exploring, repeating, and linking a range of actions with coordination, responding to beats using music, and providing peer feedback using simple dance vocabulary with the guidance of their teacher. Key vocabulary introduced in this lesson includes phrases such as 'circular', 'wheel', 'joystick', and 'rudder', along with concepts like 'mirror' and 'unison'. The lesson will utilise gymnastic mats, a variety of toys, themed books, music, and cones to aid in the learning experience.

The lesson begins with a warm-up where the teacher sets out a dance zone and models finding a space. The students then engage in a 'Remote Control' activity, responding to commands like 'Play', 'Fast Forward', 'Rewind', 'Pause', 'Stop', 'Eject', and various movements. The main part of the session involves creating dance phrases based on toy transport movements. Students work with partners to explore actions associated with different types of toy transport, and then perform their dance phrase to the class, receiving feedback. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity that includes repeating the 'Remote Control' activity from the warm-up and stretching exercises to relax the body and mind after the energetic session.

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