Dance 2 - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
In the first lesson of Dance 2 for Year 2 students, the objective is to encourage children to creatively explore and select a range of movements inspired by toy making tools. The success of the lesson is gauged by the pupils' ability to imaginatively respond to stimuli, repeat and link actions with coordination, and provide feedback on their peers' work using simple dance terms, with guidance from their teacher. Key vocabulary includes words like 'phrase', 'screwing', 'painting', 'gluing', 'stitching', and 'hammering'. The lesson requires equipment such as gymnastic mats for the cooldown, various toys, books themed around toys and toymakers, and cones to delineate the dance area. The warm-up involves the class teacher setting up the dance zone and leading the children through various travelling steps and the Alphabet activity, where they form different letter shapes with their bodies.
During the main 30-minute session, the teacher introduces the dance topic of toys, prompting the children to think about their favourite toys and the processes involved in making them. The discussion may include what constitutes a good toy, the materials they're made from, and who makes them. Children are then encouraged to explore movements associated with toy-making tools like hammers and screwdrivers. They work in pairs to create dance phrases that represent the making of different toys, which they later perform to the class. The lesson concludes with a performance where each child shares their dance phrase and receives feedback based on the success criteria. The cooldown repeats the Alphabet activity and includes stretching and breathing exercises to help the children relax after their creative dance exploration.