Gymnastics 2 - Lesson 2

Physical Education Resource Description
In the second lesson of the Year 1 Gymnastics 2 series from Striver Lesson Plans, the learning objectives are centered around teaching students to recognise, name, and replicate basic low-level gymnastic shapes. The success criteria for the lesson are clear: pupils must be able to identify and name the shapes, understand the concept of balance, and mirror the shapes demonstrated by the teacher. They should also grasp the distinctive characteristics of each shape. The key vocabulary introduced includes terms such as 'pike', 'tuck', 'dish', 'arch', 'straddle', 'routine', 'entrance', and 'exit'. To facilitate the lesson, equipment such as cones, safety mats, and a few bibs for a tag game are required.
The lesson begins with a 10-minute warm-up where the class teacher sets out a safe zone with perimeter cones and initiates a game of Front Support Tag to get the pupils moving and practising their spatial awareness. Following the warm-up, the main 30-minute session involves pupils pairing up to collect a mat and take on various challenges, including holding the Caterpillar shape. The class teacher models gymnastic shapes like the pike, tuck, and straddle, and pupils take turns to replicate these shapes. They are encouraged to describe the shapes and note similarities between them. The lesson progresses to developing a simple routine that incorporates these shapes, with a focus on performing an entrance and exit. The class concludes with a 10-minute cool down where pupils reflect on their performance and practise the shapes again in a relaxed setting.