Games 5 - Lesson 4

Physical Education Resource Description
In Year 1's Games lesson 4, the objective is to engage students in a variety of activities aimed at strengthening their core muscles. The lesson is structured to ensure that by the end, pupils will be able to perform exercises such as planks, front and back supports, and will have learned and experimented with new exercises. Furthermore, they will have developed an understanding of exercise terminology, including key vocabulary like 'fitness', 'core muscles', and 'exercises'. Equipment required for the lesson includes mats, cones, and activity cards to guide the pupils through each exercise. The warm-up involves a group activity called 'Row the boat', which encourages teamwork and core muscle engagement through a rocking motion, with variations and extensions to increase difficulty and engagement.
The main portion of the lesson is a core circuit, where pupils are divided into small groups and rotate through 10 different exercise stations, spending two minutes at each. The exercises include planks, front and back supports, beanbag drags, burpees, sit-ups, leg raises, elbows and knees, dead bugs, and scissor kicks. Each exercise has been carefully chosen to target core strength, and key teaching points are provided to ensure correct posture and effectiveness. To conclude the session, the cool-down involves pupils assisting with packing up the mats, followed by a few leading the class in stretches. This not only aids in recovery but also instills a sense of responsibility in the pupils. The lesson is designed to challenge the children, as reflected in the pupil talk section, where they are encouraged to rate the difficulty of the lesson and discuss the possibility of doing these exercises at home.