Games 5 - Lesson 2

Physical Education Resource Description
In the second lesson of Games 5 for Year 1, the objective is for pupils to develop the ability to exert themselves at a high intensity for brief periods. The lesson is structured to help pupils follow instructions, engage in fitness activities within a race format, and become aware of the changes in their bodies as they exercise. Essential vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as 'fitness', 'relay races', 'intensity', 'jumping jacks', 'shuttles', 'jumps', 'step-ups', and 'core'. To facilitate the activities, equipment such as benches, cones, and hoops will be required.
The lesson begins with a ten-minute warm-up involving a 'Caterpillar race', where pupils form groups, get into a crawling position, and aim to reach the opposite end of the area while holding the ankles of the pupil in front. The main part of the lesson, lasting 30 minutes, consists of fitness relay races where pupils perform various exercises like jumping jacks, shuttle runs, step-ups, and jumps, in a relay format. Each pupil has three consecutive turns before the next team member starts. The lesson concludes with a ten-minute cool-down focused on core exercises, including bottom balance, front and back support, and the plank, each performed for 20 seconds. Throughout the lesson, pupils are encouraged to discuss their experiences and reflect on what they've learned about fitness.