Games 2 - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description
In the first lesson of Games 2 for Year 1, the learning objectives are centred around the development of children's ability to carry and balance equipment, such as beanbags and tennis rackets, while changing speed and direction. The success criteria set for the lesson include pupils being able to stop and catch a falling object, balance a beanbag on a racket face, and maintain this balance while moving. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms like 'balancing', 'racket face', and 'control'. A variety of equipment is used to facilitate the lesson, including cones, tennis balls, rackets, beanbags, hoops, and buckets. The warm-up activity, '1 Touch Down', involves children moving around and touching cones, with variations and extensions to cater to different abilities and add challenge.
The main part of the lesson is divided into two sections: 'Racket Skills' and 'Balancing Relays'. During 'Racket Skills', children engage in individual challenges that involve catching falling rackets, balancing beanbags on rackets while moving, and flipping beanbags in the air. Pair activities such as 'Sandwiches' require pupils to squeeze a ball between two rackets while moving in unison. 'Balancing Relays' consists of four group races that incorporate balancing beanbags on rackets or their bodies as they navigate through various courses. The lesson concludes with a 'Cool Down' where children balance beanbags on their heads and move to different 'fruity corners' on command. This final activity emphasizes the skills practised during the lesson and encourages positive feedback among peers.