Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Reflective and rotational symmetry in regular polygons (1)

Maths Resource Description
In a section designed for Year 5 pupils, the concept of symmetry is explored through regular polygons, focusing on both reflective and rotational symmetry. The exercises prompt students to identify the number of lines of symmetry and the order of rotational symmetry for various regular polygons. Reflective symmetry refers to how many times a shape can be folded over a line so that both halves match perfectly, while rotational symmetry is about how many times a shape can be rotated around its centre point and still look the same as it did before the rotation.
The 'Let's Practise' activity encourages pupils to complete sentences related to the properties of specific polygons. For instance, a square is analysed in terms of its sides, lines of symmetry, and its rotational symmetry order. Similar investigations are carried out for a regular pentagon, an equilateral triangle, an octagon, and a decagon. Each of these shapes has a distinct number of sides, reflective symmetries, and degrees of rotational symmetry, which the students are asked to specify. This exercise is designed to help solidify their understanding of symmetry in regular polygons, enhancing their geometric reasoning and problem-solving skills.