Max Maths, Year 5, Try it, Reflective and rotational symmetry in regular polygons (2)

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 5 curriculum, students delve into the concepts of reflective and rotational symmetry, particularly within the context of regular polygons. The exercises prompt students to explore how symmetry manifests in these geometric shapes. They are tasked with identifying the number of lines of symmetry a polygon has, which is the number of ways a polygon can be folded onto itself so that both halves match perfectly. Additionally, students examine rotational symmetry by determining the order of symmetry, which is the number of times a shape fits onto itself during a full rotation of 360 degrees.
The "Let's Practise" section is an interactive exercise where students complete sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct numbers. They apply their understanding of symmetry to common polygons, such as squares, pentagons, triangles, octagons, and decagons. For each shape, students must state the number of sides, lines of symmetry, and the order of rotational symmetry. This activity not only reinforces their knowledge of geometric properties but also encourages them to reflect on the relationship between a polygon's sides and its symmetrical attributes. Through this exercise, students enhance their spatial reasoning and grasp the symmetrical beauty inherent in regular polygons.