Vocabulary - Addition and Subtraction

Year 6
Vocabulary - Addition and Subtraction
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The vocabulary list from KS2Gems is a comprehensive collection of terms related to addition and subtraction, essential for Key Stage 2 mathematics. The terms are categorised to aid learning and understanding of basic arithmetic operations. For addition, words such as 'add', 'plus', 'sum', and 'total' are used to describe the process of combining numbers to increase their value. Phrases like 'one more', 'ten more', and questions such as 'how many more to make...?' help students explore the concept of incrementally adding to a number. These terms are foundational for understanding how quantities combine and increase in everyday calculations and mathematical problems.

Conversely, the subtraction section includes terms like 'subtract', 'take away', 'minus', and 'difference', which relate to the process of removing one number from another, resulting in a smaller amount. Vocabulary such as 'one less', 'how many fewer', and 'find the difference' helps students grasp the concept of reducing quantities. The list also includes terms like 'equals', 'increase', 'decrease', and 'inverse operation', which broaden a student's mathematical language, allowing them to describe the relationships between numbers and the effects of arithmetic operations. Additionally, more advanced terms like 'column addition', 'column subtraction', 'order of operations', and 'brackets' introduce students to structured calculation methods and the rules governing the sequence of operations in mathematics.