Multiplication and Division Spot the Mistake 2

Year 6
Multiplication and Division Spot the Mistake 2
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The educational resource "Spot the Mistake 2" from KS2Gems is tailored for Year 6 students to enhance their multiplication and division skills. It presents a set of 10 deliberately incorrect calculations, split into 5 addition and 5 subtraction problems. The aim of the exercise is threefold: firstly, students must identify the error in each calculation; secondly, they are encouraged to articulate the nature of the mistake; and thirdly, they are tasked with correctly redoing the calculation. This interactive approach is designed to deepen conceptual understanding, promote critical thinking, and encourage the use of mathematical language.

Examples provided show various multiplication errors that students are expected to spot and correct. For instance, they might encounter a multiplication problem where the digits have been incorrectly aligned or the process of carrying over has been mishandled. The activity serves as an excellent tool for starting or wrapping up a lesson, and it is particularly useful for addressing common errors observed in students' work. By engaging with this resource, children can refine their computational skills and gain confidence in identifying and rectifying mistakes in mathematical operations.