Place Value Target Boards 2

Year 4
Place Value Target Boards 2
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

AI generated

KS2Gems has created an engaging and interactive teaching resource called "Place Value Target Boards" for Year 4 students to practice and reinforce their understanding of Roman numerals up to 100. The objective of these boards is straightforward: to help children become proficient in reading Roman numerals. By presenting a series of numbers on each board, students are encouraged to participate in a variety of exercises that test their ability to recognize and interpret these ancient numerical symbols.

The Target Boards are versatile tools that can be incorporated into different parts of a maths lesson, whether as a warm-up activity or a session closure. They are particularly useful for retrieval practice, helping to cement the students' knowledge through repetition and application. Teachers can display the boards to the whole class or use them in smaller group settings. Each board comes with a set of challenges, such as finding a certain number of Roman numerals greater than a specified value or identifying numerals within a given range. This approach allows for differentiation, ensuring that all students are engaged and challenged at an appropriate level. With whiteboards and pens at the ready, children can dive into this hands-on learning experience, developing their place value skills in a fun and interactive manner.