Fractions - Find three quarters - Worksheet

Year 2
Fractions - Find three quarters - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The "Find three quarters" worksheet provides a comprehensive learning experience for children to understand and calculate three quarters of various quantities. The National Curriculum objective is to recognise, find, name, and write fractions such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4 of lengths, shapes, sets of objects, or quantities. To facilitate this learning, resources such as differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete resources are utilised. Key vocabulary includes terms like fractions, quarters, three quarters, represent, equal, patterns, bar model, and quantity. Children are encouraged to use cubes to visually and tangibly understand the concept of quarters, which aids them in finding 3/4 of given amounts through both fluency exercises and word problems.

Key questions posed during the lesson prompt children to explore the concept of quarters in depth, such as inquiring how many quarters make up a whole or how to represent this using a bar model. They are also encouraged to observe and discuss patterns and changes when dealing with fractions. The worksheet is designed to cater to different levels of understanding, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth', with activities that include finding 3/4 of simple and larger amounts, as well as tackling two-step problems. Reasoning and problem-solving sections further challenge the students to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios, such as determining how many apples are picked from a tree or how many doughnuts are brought to school, all while reinforcing the concept of three quarters.

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