Fractions - Find three quarters - Presentation

Year 2
Fractions - Find three quarters - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the lesson focused on fractions, specifically on finding three quarters of a quantity, students are invited to deepen their understanding of what constitutes a 'quarter'. They begin by discussing the concept that a whole can be divided into four equal parts, with each part representing one quarter of the whole. The lesson then progresses to practical examples where students are tasked with finding three quarters of a given number. The initial activity involves dividing eight cookies into four equal groups and completing the related calculations to determine what one quarter of eight is, and subsequently, what three quarters would be.

Further activities employ visual aids such as counters and bar models to reinforce the concept. Students are encouraged to use these tools to find three quarters of 12 and 16, prompting them to observe and discuss any patterns that emerge. The lesson also incorporates reasoning exercises, where students must critique and correct the process of finding three quarters, as exemplified by a character named Tia who attempts to divide twenty stones into quarters. Independent work follows, with tasks that require students to cut out fraction problems, demonstrate their workings, and explain their reasoning. The lesson concludes with a discussion on how many quarters make a whole and how this can be represented using a bar model, encouraging students to identify patterns and reflect on what they have learned about fractions.

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