Fractions - Find three quarters - Starter

Year 2
Fractions - Find three quarters - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In an engaging lesson designed for Year 2 students during the Spring Term, Week 12, Day 2, the concept of fractions is explored with a particular focus on finding three quarters. The lesson starts with a "Fluent in Four" revision exercise where students demonstrate their understanding of fractions by shading in the correct portions of shapes. They are also tasked with sorting objects into equal groups, further reinforcing their grasp of equal parts. The lesson includes arithmetic practice, where children calculate the difference between numbers such as 71 and 39, and perform operations like doubling 38 and then subtracting units and tens.

The lesson continues with a fun and interactive activity set for 2 o'clock, where students are asked to complete a comparison table using greater than, less than, or equal to symbols. This exercise not only tests their addition skills but also deepens their understanding of numerical relationships. Additionally, the children apply their knowledge of fractions by equating one half to two quarters, thus building a solid foundation for equivalence in fractions. The activities are carefully crafted to ensure that the students can confidently navigate through the exercises, with the opportunity to practice and consolidate their learning in a supportive environment.

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