Statistics - Make tally charts 2 - Starter

Maths Resource Description
The lesson plan for Year 2 students during the Spring Term's fifth week focuses on developing their mathematical skills through a variety of activities. One exercise involves solving subtraction problems, such as calculating the result of 67 minus 43, and another task requires understanding the concept of number bonds by finding all combinations that add up to six. These exercises are designed to enhance the students' fluency in basic arithmetic operations and to reinforce their understanding of addition and subtraction relationships.
Another key component of the lesson is learning how to compile and interpret data using a tally chart. The students are tasked with completing a tally chart that represents the favourite chocolate bars of the Year 2 class. They are shown how to record and total the tally marks correctly, with examples given such as 23 tallies for one chocolate bar and 10 for another. Additionally, the lesson incorporates a practical application of multiplication by asking the students to calculate the total number of fingers based on a given number of hands. This activity not only reinforces their counting and multiplication skills but also provides a real-world context for understanding mathematical concepts.