Cops and robbers - What do you know about World War 2?

Year 6
Cops and robbers - What do you know about World War 2?
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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The "Cops and Robbers" activity is an engaging group exercise designed to encourage pupils to share and expand their knowledge of World War 2. In groups of four, each pupil starts by spending two minutes writing down everything they can recall about the topic on the left side of a chart. This initial phase is focused on individual memory and understanding, allowing pupils to reflect on their own knowledge of the historical event.

Following this, pupils have the opportunity to learn from each other. They take turns, with 60 seconds each, to review the information their peers have written down. The aim is to identify any new or additional facts that they did not originally note down themselves. This collaborative aspect of the exercise enables pupils to 'steal' knowledge from one another, which they then add to the 'stolen knowledge' section of their chart. By the end of the 15-minute activity, points are awarded for each piece of information recorded, incentivising pupils to share and acquire as much knowledge as possible. This exercise not only helps to deepen their understanding of World War 2's impact on Britain but also enhances their ability to learn collaboratively.

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