Link it! Prior knowledge - World War 2 - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - World War 2 - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

History Resource Description

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When embarking on a study of World War 2 with Year 6 students, it is beneficial to begin by assessing their prior knowledge. Many children will have already encountered information about the war through conversations with older generations, as well as from media such as television and films. It is common for students to be familiar with key figures such as Hitler and Churchill, and to understand that Britain and Germany were central to the conflict. This initial understanding provides a valuable foundation for further learning.

To deepen their comprehension, students are encouraged to document what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of their Knowledge Organiser. This record serves as a starting point for exploring the significant impact of World War 2 on Britain. The 'LINK IT!' activity facilitates connections within the subject of history, across other curriculum subjects, and from personal experiences, thereby enriching the learning process and helping students to see the wider implications of historical events on society and the world they know today.

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