Cops and robbers - What do you know about Elizabeth I?

History Resource Description
The 'Cops and Robbers' activity is an engaging group exercise designed to test and expand pupils' knowledge about Elizabeth I, one of England's most famous monarchs. The activity is structured for a group of four pupils, where each participant initially has two minutes to jot down everything they can recall about Elizabeth I on the left side of a chart under 'Own recalled knowledge'. This could include facts about her reign, her policies, her conflicts, and her impact on English history.
Following the initial recall phase, each pupil is given 60 seconds to review the contributions of their peers. During this time, they are on the lookout for any new information that they did not originally note down themselves. Any new facts or details they discover from their group members' notes can be added to the 'Stolen knowledge' section of the chart. This collaborative learning technique not only encourages active participation but also reinforces memory through repetition and peer learning. Pupils are awarded two points for each piece of information they record, incentivising them to share and learn as much as they can within the 15-minute duration of the activity. The aim is to collectively build a more comprehensive understanding of Elizabeth I and ensure that significant historical events, such as gunpowder, treason, and plot, are remembered and understood within their historical context.