Knowledge organiser - Gunpowder treason and plot - Year 5

History Resource Description
The Knowledge Organiser for Year 5 history introduces key vocabulary and concepts surrounding the Gunpowder Plot and the broader historical context of treason and civil war in Britain. Students will encounter terms such as 'Cavaliers', referring to the supporters of the king during the English Civil War, and 'Roundheads', the name given to those who backed Parliament. The term 'treason' is explained as an act against one's own country, and 'Protestants' are identified as Christians who are not part of the Roman Catholic Church. Key historical figures include Cromwell, the leader of the Parliamentarians, and Robert Catesby, the mastermind behind the Gunpowder Plot.
The main learning objectives outlined in the organiser focus on understanding the significance of the Gunpowder Plot, the concept of treason, and the impact of these events on the creation of the British Empire. Students are expected to learn about the religious and political changes instigated by Henry VIII, which altered the way people worshipped, and the era of exploration and discovery during Elizabeth I's reign. The organiser also touches upon the historical importance of the English Civil War, distinguishing the roles of the Roundheads and Cavaliers. Additionally, it suggests that the Great Fire of London may have been a pivotal event for the city's development. Through this study, students will build upon prior knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of these significant moments in British history.