What do we mean by the 'Romanisation' of Britain? - Teacher notes

History Resource Description
The concept of 'Romanisation' refers to the transformative influence of Roman culture, technology, and governance on Britain during the period of Roman occupation. Through this historical process, pupils will learn that the Romans introduced their sophisticated way of life to Britain, which significantly altered the existing societal structures. The term encompasses a broad range of changes, from the introduction of urban living with the establishment of cities to the adoption of Latin as the first written language in England. The provided internet resources, such as the BBC Bitesize link, serve as a starting point for pupils to understand the reasons behind the Roman conquest of Britain and the subsequent cultural integration.
As part of this educational unit, pupils will explore how the Romans believed they were improving life by replacing what they considered primitive practices with advanced Roman methods. This included the introduction of enhanced sanitation systems, the construction of aqueducts for water supply, and the implementation of central heating in buildings. Through discussion and analysis, pupils will aim to identify specific examples of how Romanisation manifested in Britain and what it meant for the country's development. The shift from the end of the Iron Age to the end of Roman rule in Britain marks a period of significant change, with Romanisation playing a central role in shaping the Britain we know today.