Cops and robbers - How much do you know about one Ancient civilisation?

History Resource Description
The "Cops and Robbers" activity is an engaging classroom exercise designed to test and expand pupils' knowledge about an ancient civilisation, such as that of Ancient Egypt. In this group activity, pupils are arranged in groups of four and given the task of recalling information individually at first. Each pupil has two minutes to jot down everything they remember on the left side of a chart, focusing solely on their own recollections about the chosen civilisation.
Following this initial recall phase, the activity becomes more interactive. Each pupil is given 60 seconds to review the information recorded by their peers, looking specifically for facts and details they hadn't noted themselves. This is where the 'cops and robbers' aspect comes into play – pupils 'steal' any new pieces of information they discover from their group members and add them to the 'stolen knowledge' section of their chart. For every new piece of information 'stolen' and recorded, pupils are awarded two points. The entire activity is designed to be a fun and collaborative way to consolidate learning and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The exercise not only reinforces individual learning but also promotes sharing knowledge within the group, thereby enhancing the collective understanding of the ancient civilisation being studied.