Noughts and crosses - Stone Age

History Resource Description
In a creative twist on the classic game of noughts and crosses, Year 3 students can engage in a Stone Age-themed educational activity. This game is designed for pairs of pupils to play against each other using a standard 3 x 3 noughts and crosses grid. Each pair of students will need different coloured pencils to distinguish their answers. The teacher prepares a set of nine questions related to the Stone Age, which are posed alternately to each student. When a student answers a question correctly, they can place their answer, in their chosen colour, anywhere they wish on the grid. The game then follows the normal rules of noughts and crosses, with the aim to get three in a row.
The questions are designed to test the students' knowledge of prehistoric periods and significant historical facts. For example, students might be asked to identify the order of the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods, or to name the material from which Stone Age tools were made. They might also be quizzed on the location of ancient sites like Skara Brae or Stonehenge, or asked to debunk common myths such as the coexistence of dinosaurs and humans. By incorporating these educational elements into the game, students can learn about Britain's transformation from the beginning of the Stone Age to the end of the Iron Age in an interactive and enjoyable manner. The game can be played with or without showing the set of answers, depending on the desired level of challenge.